libmceliece is based on the official Classic McEliece software, which was written by Tung Chou. See the following papers for the major algorithms used for speed inside that software: * Daniel J. Bernstein, Tung Chou, Peter Schwabe. "McBits: fast constant-time code-based cryptography." CHES 2013. []( * Tung Chou. "McBits revisited." CHES 2017. []( The official Classic McEliece software includes `ref`, `vec`, `sse`, and `avx` implementations; libmceliece includes only `vec` and `avx`. The following components of libmceliece are from Daniel J. Bernstein: * Small [changes](download.html#changelog) for namespacing, portability, etc. * Software to compute control bits (also used in the official software). See the following paper: Daniel J. Bernstein. "Verified fast formulas for control bits for permutation networks." 2020. []( * Infrastructure to build a library with automatic run-time selection of implementations based on the run-time CPU and a database of benchmarks. This infrastructure was introduced in [`lib25519`](, with some extensions and adaptations in libmceliece. * Various software for tests and benchmarks. This is based on public-domain code in the SUPERCOP benchmarking framework. * The underlying subroutines `crypto_sort` (based on [](, `crypto_xof/bitwrite16`, and `crypto_xof/shake256/unrollround`. A separate SHAKE256 implementation, `crypto_xof/shake256/tweet`, is based on []( by Daniel J. Bernstein, Peter Schwabe, and Gilles Van Assche.