-rwxr-xr-x 5634 libmceliece-20240513/scripts-build/selected raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
o,p,host,trim = sys.argv[1:5]
impls = []
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.strip().split('/')
if line[0] != o: continue
if line[1] != p: continue
impls += [line[2:]]
print('operation %s' % o)
print('primitive %s' % p)
icarch = {}
iccompiler = {}
for i,c in impls:
with open('compilerarch/%s' % c) as f:
icarch[i,c] = f.read().strip()
with open('compilerversion/%s' % c) as f:
iccompiler[i,c] = f.read().strip()
def archkey(a):
if a == 'default': return 1,a # put default last
return -a.count('+'),a
allimpls = sorted(set(i for i,c in impls))
with open('allarches') as f:
allarches = f.read().splitlines()
allarches = sorted(set(allarches),key=archkey)
prioritydata = []
for i in allimpls:
priorityfn = 'priority/%s-%s-%s' % (o,p,i)
if not os.path.exists(priorityfn): continue
with open(priorityfn) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split()
if len(line) < 7: continue
prio,score,priohost,cpuid,version,machine = line[:6]
c = ' '.join(line[6:])
prio = float(prio)
prioritydata += [(i,prio,score,priohost,cpuid,machine,c)]
def asupportsic(a,i,c):
a = a.split('+')[1:]
ica = icarch[i,c]
ica = ica.split('+')[1:]
return all(icapart in a for icapart in ica)
def cpuidsupports(cpuid,a):
a = a.split('+')
cpuid = [int('0x'+cpuid[8*j:8*j+8],16) for j in range(32)]
mmx = cpuid[18] & (1<<23)
sse = cpuid[18] & (1<<25)
sse2 = cpuid[18] & (1<<26)
sse3 = cpuid[17] & (1<<0)
ssse3 = cpuid[17] & (1<<9)
sse41 = cpuid[17] & (1<<19)
sse42 = cpuid[17] & (1<<20)
popcnt = cpuid[17] & (1<<23)
osxsave = cpuid[17] & (1<<27)
avx = cpuid[17] & (1<<28)
bmi1 = cpuid[20] & (1<<3)
avx2 = cpuid[20] & (1<<5)
bmi2 = cpuid[20] & (1<<8)
avx512f = cpuid[20] & (1<<16)
adx = cpuid[20] & (1<<19)
avx512ifma = cpuid[20] & (1<<21)
avx512vl = cpuid[20] & (1<<31)
waitpkg = cpuid[21] & (1<<5)
vaes = cpuid[21] & (1<<9)
sse4a = cpuid[25] & (1<<6)
xmmsaved = cpuid[27] & (1<<1)
ymmsaved = cpuid[27] & (1<<2)
for apart in a[1:]:
if apart not in ('sse3','ssse3','sse41','sse42','sse4a','popcnt','adx','avx','bmi1','bmi2','avx2','avx512f','avx512vl','avx512ifma','vaes','waitpkg'):
raise ValueError('cpuidsupports does not understand %s' % apart)
if not mmx: return False
if not sse: return False
if not sse2: return False
if apart == 'sse3' and not sse3: return False
if apart == 'ssse3' and not ssse3: return False
if apart == 'sse41' and not sse41: return False
if apart == 'sse42' and not sse42: return False
if apart == 'sse4a' and not sse4a: return False
if apart == 'popcnt' and not popcnt: return False
if apart == 'adx' and not adx: return False
if apart == 'avx' and not avx: return False
if apart == 'bmi1' and not bmi1: return False
if apart == 'bmi2' and not bmi2: return False
if apart == 'avx2' and not avx2: return False
if apart == 'avx512f' and not avx512f: return False
if apart == 'avx512vl' and not avx512vl: return False
if apart == 'avx512ifma' and not avx512ifma: return False
if apart == 'vaes' and not vaes: return False
if apart == 'waitpkg' and not waitpkg: return False
if apart.startswith('avx'):
if not osxsave: return False
if not xmmsaved: return False
if not ymmsaved: return False
return True
def selectic(a,aexclude):
if len(aexclude) > 0:
print('note: considering other machines supporting %s' % a)
print('note: considering machines supporting %s' % a)
# requirement: icarch[i,c] is a subset of a
compatibleimpls = [(i,c) for i,c in impls if asupportsic(a,i,c)]
assert len(compatibleimpls) > 0
# desideratum: good performance based on prioritydata
directmatches = any(
priohost == host
and cpuidsupports(cpuid,a)
and all(not cpuidsupports(cpuid,b) for b in aexclude)
for i,prio,score,priohost,cpuid,machine,c in prioritydata
if not directmatches:
print('note: no direct matches, so extrapolating from all machines')
totalprio = {(i,c):0 for i,c in compatibleimpls}
totalweight = {(i,c):0 for i,c in compatibleimpls}
for prioi,prio,score,priohost,cpuid,machine,prioc in prioritydata:
if directmatches:
if priohost != host: continue
if any(cpuidsupports(cpuid,b) for b in aexclude): continue
if not cpuidsupports(cpuid,a): continue
for i,c in compatibleimpls:
if i != prioi: continue
# XXX: use more serious machine learning here
weight = 1.0
if priohost == host: weight *= 10
if cpuidsupports(cpuid,a): weight *= 10
if all(not cpuidsupports(cpuid,b) for b in aexclude): weight *= 10
weight *= 1+len(os.path.commonprefix([iccompiler[i,c],prioc]))
if iccompiler[i,c] == prioc: weight *= 10
# print('note: weight %s from %s %s %s %s for %s %s' % (weight,prio,machine,prioi,prioc,i,c))
totalprio[i,c] += prio*weight
totalweight[i,c] += weight
# note that implementations without priority data are excluded from ranking
ranking = [(totalprio[i,c]/totalweight[i,c],i,c) for i,c in compatibleimpls if totalweight[i,c] > 0]
for prio,i,c in ranking:
print('note: priority %s for %s %s' % (prio,i,c))
if len(ranking) == 0:
return compatibleimpls[0]
return ranking[0][1:]
usedimpls = set()
handledarches = set()
for a in allarches:
i,c = selectic(a,handledarches)
print('selected %s %s %s' % (a,i,c))
for i,c in impls:
if (i,c) in usedimpls or trim == 'False':
print('impl %s %s' % (i,c))