-rw-r--r-- 1875 libmceliece-20240513/crypto_kem/348864f/avx/kem_keypair.c raw
// 20240502 djb: more explicitly initialize pivots to silence an incorrect compiler warning (tnx simon josefsson)
// 20221230 djb: add linker lines
// 20221230 djb: split out of operations.c
// linker define operation_keypair
// linker use controlbitsfrompermutation genpoly_gen pk_gen
#include "operations.h"
#include "controlbits.h"
#include "randombytes.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "params.h"
#include "sk_gen.h"
#include "pk_gen.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
void operation_keypair
unsigned char *pk,
unsigned char *sk
int i;
unsigned char seed[ 33 ] = {64};
unsigned char r[ SYS_N/8 + (1 << GFBITS)*sizeof(uint32_t) + SYS_T*2 + 32 ];
unsigned char *rp, *skp;
uint64_t pivots = 0;
gf f[ SYS_T ]; // element in GF(2^mt)
gf irr[ SYS_T ]; // Goppa polynomial
uint32_t perm[ 1 << GFBITS ]; // random permutation as 32-bit integers
int16_t pi[ 1 << GFBITS ]; // random permutation
randombytes(seed+1, 32);
while (1)
rp = &r[ sizeof(r)-32 ];
skp = sk;
// expanding and updating the seed
shake(r, sizeof(r), seed, 33);
memcpy(skp, seed+1, 32);
skp += 32 + 8;
memcpy(seed+1, &r[ sizeof(r)-32 ], 32);
// generating irreducible polynomial
rp -= sizeof(f);
for (i = 0; i < SYS_T; i++)
f[i] = load_gf(rp + i*2);
if (genpoly_gen(irr, f))
for (i = 0; i < SYS_T; i++)
store_gf(skp + i*2, irr[i]);
skp += IRR_BYTES;
// generating permutation
rp -= sizeof(perm);
for (i = 0; i < (1 << GFBITS); i++)
perm[i] = load4(rp + i*4);
if (pk_gen(pk, skp - IRR_BYTES, perm, pi, &pivots))
controlbitsfrompermutation(skp, pi, GFBITS, 1 << GFBITS);
skp += COND_BYTES;
// storing the random string s
rp -= SYS_N/8;
memcpy(skp, rp, SYS_N/8);
// storing positions of the 32 pivots
store8(sk + 32, pivots);