
In the following speed table, smaller numbers are better. The numbers are interquartile means of single-core cycle counts on various microarchitectures. Overclocking is disabled.

μarch KEM keypair enc dec
Zen 3 (2020) 348864f 23853524 22048 99079
348864 41913413 21434 99144
460896f 70726205 50358 202868
460896 107960801 48711 202753
6688128f 148348774 76501 240365
6688128 217324257 82857 240240
6960119f 132711223 83019 226515
6960119 214136371 81994 226473
8192128f 169521365 90998 239484
8192128 293275460 91071 239458
Cortex-A72 (2016) 348864f 196809484 187101 641657
348864 237348274 178978 641346
460896f 733235093 373112 1823173
460896 1259026237 377413 1822539
6688128f 4133626722 791317 2037935
6688128 2635645618 710841 2037958
6960119f 3524667051 721779 1954935
6960119 2314179976 697555 1955669
8192128f 5388303739 804241 2012050
8192128 4125436615 826439 2014243
Skylake (2015) 348864f 30969609 30832 113526
348864 47355747 30982 113628
460896f 100359501 67049 241997
460896 136741291 67927 241932
6688128f 236094120 109611 283746
6688128 395914021 105851 284021
6960119f 192060417 112533 267271
6960119 257717718 115340 267109
8192128f 244595111 119878 284017
8192128 315784893 120235 283563
Haswell (2013) 348864f 36231139 35251 124074
348864 50886035 35351 122245
460896f 116816359 77217 257374
460896 195973792 76752 257494
6688128f 287254651 129799 300355
6688128 496069556 128546 300146
6960119f 247475836 134337 281215
6960119 434966940 133948 281167
8192128f 316014203 146582 303732
8192128 507470319 146593 303564

Microarchitectures are listed in reverse chronological order of when they were introduced.

In the libmceliece distribution, command/mceliece-speed.c measures libmceliece; benchmarks/*-* is the output of mceliece-speed on various machines; and autogen/md-speed extracts the table from those measurements.

The table reports only interquartile means of cycle counts. See the full output files for differences between multiple measurements and the interquartile mean.

Version: This is version 2024.07.26 of the "Speed" web page.