
In the following speed table, smaller numbers are better. The numbers are interquartile means of single-core cycle counts on various microarchitectures. Overclocking is disabled.

μarch KEM keypair enc dec
Zen 3 (2020) 348864f 25589845 22897 99684
348864 38602285 22115 99666
460896f 75556358 47868 203905
460896 121695897 52717 203937
6688128f 152383521 81905 237919
6688128 271203794 82804 237688
6960119f 138846132 84506 228152
6960119 227806627 85902 228176
8192128f 173855341 100794 238135
8192128 278479878 95158 238170
Cortex-A72 (2016) 348864f 254263118 196237 659793
348864 334123845 188766 659063
460896f 970889805 406786 1777314
460896 1383194061 392769 1775714
6688128f 4386761616 780561 2021442
6688128 2901802792 745340 2022452
6960119f 3806418876 709333 1953096
6960119 2555564451 742344 1953928
8192128f 5494655765 841953 1950167
8192128 4971332265 830206 1950921
Skylake (2015) 348864f 29929407 30238 113936
348864 46346406 30507 114007
460896f 95273707 63254 243032
460896 160086273 65589 243016
6688128f 229181676 108836 287129
6688128 370844067 107019 287821
6960119f 185368263 115282 266069
6960119 301755341 115170 265945
8192128f 235835488 121788 287784
8192128 288402336 122017 287953
Haswell (2013) 348864f 36358371 36473 121798
348864 56547209 36670 121915
460896f 113750151 77705 256292
460896 191557721 76139 256214
6688128f 273037997 125670 304945
6688128 353468181 128118 304658
6960119f 241661662 134877 282401
6960119 345605381 133572 282327
8192128f 308065654 148219 304642
8192128 417334872 148947 304135

Microarchitectures are listed in reverse chronological order of when they were introduced.

In the libmceliece distribution, command/mceliece-speed.c measures libmceliece; benchmarks/*-* is the output of mceliece-speed on various machines; and autogen/md-speed extracts the table from those measurements.

The table reports only interquartile means of cycle counts. See the full output files for differences between multiple measurements and the interquartile mean.

Version: This is version 2024.05.13 of the "Speed" web page.