-rw-r--r-- 3570 libmceliece-20230612/crypto_kem/6960119/vec/encrypt.c raw
// 20230102 djb: rename encrypt() as pke_encrypt() // 20221231 djb: move encrypt.h last for macos portability; tnx thom wiggers // 20221230 djb: add linker line // linker define pke_encrypt /* This file is for Niederreiter encryption */ #include "util.h" #include "params.h" #include "uint16_sort.h" #include "randombytes.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include "gf.h" #include "crypto_declassify.h" #include "crypto_uint16.h" #include "crypto_uint32.h" #include "encrypt.h" static inline crypto_uint16 uint16_is_smaller_declassify(uint16_t t,uint16_t u) { crypto_uint16 mask = crypto_uint16_smaller_mask(t,u); crypto_declassify(&mask,sizeof mask); return mask; } static inline crypto_uint32 uint32_is_equal_declassify(uint32_t t,uint32_t u) { crypto_uint32 mask = crypto_uint32_equal_mask(t,u); crypto_declassify(&mask,sizeof mask); return mask; } /* output: e, an error vector of weight t */ static void gen_e(unsigned char *e) { int i, j, eq, count; union { uint16_t nums[ SYS_T*2 ]; unsigned char bytes[ SYS_T*2 * sizeof(uint16_t) ]; } buf; uint16_t ind[ SYS_T ]; uint64_t e_int[ (SYS_N+63)/64 ]; uint64_t one = 1; uint64_t mask; uint64_t val[ SYS_T ]; while (1) { randombytes(buf.bytes, sizeof(buf)); for (i = 0; i < SYS_T*2; i++) buf.nums[i] = load_gf(buf.bytes + i*2); // moving and counting indices in the correct range count = 0; for (i = 0; i < SYS_T*2 && count < SYS_T; i++) if (uint16_is_smaller_declassify(buf.nums[i],SYS_N)) ind[ count++ ] = buf.nums[i]; if (count < SYS_T) continue; // check for repetition uint16_sort(ind, SYS_T); eq = 0; for (i = 1; i < SYS_T; i++) if (uint32_is_equal_declassify(ind[i-1],ind[i])) eq = 1; if (eq == 0) break; } for (j = 0; j < SYS_T; j++) val[j] = one << (ind[j] & 63); for (i = 0; i < (SYS_N+63)/64; i++) { e_int[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < SYS_T; j++) { mask = i ^ (ind[j] >> 6); mask -= 1; mask >>= 63; mask = -mask; e_int[i] |= val[j] & mask; } } for (i = 0; i < (SYS_N+63)/64 - 1; i++) { store8(e, e_int[i]); e += 8; } for (j = 0; j < (SYS_N % 64); j+=8) e[ j/8 ] = (e_int[i] >> j) & 0xFF; } /* input: public key pk, error vector e */ /* output: syndrome s */ static void syndrome(unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *e) { unsigned char e_tmp[ SYS_N/8 ]; uint64_t b; const uint64_t *pk_ptr; const uint64_t *e_ptr = ((uint64_t *) (e_tmp + SYND_BYTES - 1)); int i, j, k, tail = (PK_NROWS % 8); // for (i = 0; i < SYND_BYTES; i++) s[i] = e[i]; s[i-1] &= (1 << tail) - 1; for (i = SYND_BYTES-1; i < SYS_N/8-1; i++) e_tmp[i] = (e[i] >> tail) | (e[i+1] << (8-tail)); e_tmp[i] = e[i] >> tail; for (i = 0; i < PK_NROWS; i++) { pk_ptr = ((uint64_t *) (pk + PK_ROW_BYTES * i)); b = 0; for (j = 0; j < PK_NCOLS/64; j++) b ^= pk_ptr[j] & e_ptr[j]; for (k = 0; k < (PK_NCOLS%64 + 7)/8; k++) b ^= ((unsigned char *) &pk_ptr[j])[k] & ((unsigned char *) &e_ptr[j])[k]; b ^= b >> 32; b ^= b >> 16; b ^= b >> 8; b ^= b >> 4; b ^= b >> 2; b ^= b >> 1; b &= 1; s[ i/8 ] ^= (b << (i%8)); } } /* input: public key pk */ /* output: error vector e, syndrome s */ void pke_encrypt(unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *e) { gen_e(e); #ifdef KAT { int k; printf("encrypt e: positions"); for (k = 0;k < SYS_N;++k) if (e[k/8] & (1 << (k&7))) printf(" %d",k); printf("\n"); } #endif syndrome(s, pk, e); }