/* This file is for implementing the Nassimi-Sahni algorithm */ /* See David Nassimi, Sartaj Sahni "Parallel algorithms to set up the Benes permutationnetwork" */ /* See also https://cr.yp.to/papers/controlbits-20200923.pdf */ // 20221230 djb: add linker line // linker define controlbitsfrompermutation #include #include "crypto_declassify.h" #include "controlbits.h" #include "int32_sort.h" typedef int16_t int16; typedef int32_t int32; #include "crypto_int32.h" #define int32_min crypto_int32_min #include "crypto_int16.h" /* parameters: 1 <= w <= 14; n = 2^w */ /* input: permutation pi of {0,1,...,n-1} */ /* output: (2m-1)n/2 control bits at positions pos,pos+step,... */ /* output position pos is by definition 1&(out[pos/8]>>(pos&7)) */ /* caller must 0-initialize positions first */ /* temp must have space for int32[2*n] */ static void cbrecursion(unsigned char *out,long long pos,long long step,const int16 *pi,long long w,long long n,int32 *temp) { #define A temp #define B (temp+n) #define q ((int16 *) (temp+n+n/4)) /* q can start anywhere between temp+n and temp+n/2 */ long long x,i,j,k; if (w == 1) { out[pos>>3] ^= pi[0]<<(pos&7); return; } for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = ((pi[x]^1)<<16)|pi[x^1]; int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<16)+pibar */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) { int32 Ax = A[x]; int32 px = Ax&0xffff; int32 cx = int32_min(px,x); B[x] = (px<<16)|cx; } /* B = (p<<16)+c */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = (A[x]<<16)|x; /* A = (pibar<<16)+id */ int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<16)+pibar^-1 */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = (A[x]<<16)+(B[x]>>16); /* A = (pibar^(-1)<<16)+pibar */ int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<16)+pibar^2 */ if (w <= 10) { for (x = 0;x < n;++x) B[x] = ((A[x]&0xffff)<<10)|(B[x]&0x3ff); for (i = 1;i < w-1;++i) { /* B = (p<<10)+c */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = ((B[x]&~0x3ff)<<6)|x; /* A = (p<<16)+id */ int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<16)+p^{-1} */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = (A[x]<<20)|B[x]; /* A = (p^{-1}<<20)+(p<<10)+c */ int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<20)+(pp<<10)+cp */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) { int32 ppcpx = A[x]&0xfffff; int32 ppcx = (A[x]&0xffc00)|(B[x]&0x3ff); B[x] = int32_min(ppcx,ppcpx); } } for (x = 0;x < n;++x) B[x] &= 0x3ff; } else { for (x = 0;x < n;++x) B[x] = (A[x]<<16)|(B[x]&0xffff); for (i = 1;i < w-1;++i) { /* B = (p<<16)+c */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = (B[x]&~0xffff)|x; int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<16)+p^(-1) */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = (A[x]<<16)|(B[x]&0xffff); /* A = p^(-1)<<16+c */ if (i < w-2) { for (x = 0;x < n;++x) B[x] = (A[x]&~0xffff)|(B[x]>>16); /* B = (p^(-1)<<16)+p */ int32_sort(B,n); /* B = (id<<16)+p^(-2) */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) B[x] = (B[x]<<16)|(A[x]&0xffff); /* B = (p^(-2)<<16)+c */ } int32_sort(A,n); /* A = id<<16+cp */ for (x = 0;x < n;++x) { int32 cpx = (B[x]&~0xffff)|(A[x]&0xffff); B[x] = int32_min(B[x],cpx); } } for (x = 0;x < n;++x) B[x] &= 0xffff; } for (x = 0;x < n;++x) A[x] = (((int32)pi[x])<<16)+x; int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<16)+pi^(-1) */ for (j = 0;j < n/2;++j) { long long x = 2*j; int32 fj = B[x]&1; /* f[j] */ int32 Fx = x+fj; /* F[x] */ int32 Fx1 = Fx^1; /* F[x+1] */ out[pos>>3] ^= fj<<(pos&7); pos += step; B[x] = (A[x]<<16)|Fx; B[x+1] = (A[x+1]<<16)|Fx1; } /* B = (pi^(-1)<<16)+F */ int32_sort(B,n); /* B = (id<<16)+F(pi) */ pos += (2*w-3)*step*(n/2); for (k = 0;k < n/2;++k) { long long y = 2*k; int32 lk = B[y]&1; /* l[k] */ int32 Ly = y+lk; /* L[y] */ int32 Ly1 = Ly^1; /* L[y+1] */ out[pos>>3] ^= lk<<(pos&7); pos += step; A[y] = (Ly<<16)|(B[y]&0xffff); A[y+1] = (Ly1<<16)|(B[y+1]&0xffff); } /* A = (L<<16)+F(pi) */ int32_sort(A,n); /* A = (id<<16)+F(pi(L)) = (id<<16)+M */ pos -= (2*w-2)*step*(n/2); for (j = 0;j < n/2;++j) { q[j] = (A[2*j]&0xffff)>>1; q[j+n/2] = (A[2*j+1]&0xffff)>>1; } cbrecursion(out,pos,step*2,q,w-1,n/2,temp); cbrecursion(out,pos+step,step*2,q+n/2,w-1,n/2,temp); } /* input: p, an array of int16 */ /* input: n, length of p */ /* input: s, meaning that stride-2^s cswaps are performed */ /* input: cb, the control bits */ /* output: the result of apply the control bits to p */ static void layer(int16_t *p, const unsigned char *cb, int s, int n) { int i, j; int stride = 1 << s; int index = 0; int16_t d, m; for (i = 0; i < n; i += stride*2) { for (j = 0; j < stride; j++) { d = p[ i+j ] ^ p[ i+j+stride ]; m = (cb[ index >> 3 ] >> (index & 7)) & 1; m = -m; d &= m; p[ i+j ] ^= d; p[ i+j+stride ] ^= d; index++; } } } /* parameters: 1 <= w <= 14; n = 2^w */ /* input: permutation pi of {0,1,...,n-1} */ /* output: (2m-1)n/2 control bits at positions 0,1,... */ /* output position pos is by definition 1&(out[pos/8]>>(pos&7)) */ void controlbitsfrompermutation(unsigned char *out,const int16 *pi,long long w,long long n) { int32 temp[2*n]; int16 pi_test[n], diff; int i; unsigned char *ptr; while (1) { memset(out,0,(((2*w-1)*n/2)+7)/8); cbrecursion(out,0,1,pi,w,n,temp); // check for correctness for (i = 0; i < n; i++) pi_test[i] = i; ptr = out; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) { layer(pi_test, ptr, i, n); ptr += n >> 4; } for (i = w-2; i >= 0; i--) { layer(pi_test, ptr, i, n); ptr += n >> 4; } diff = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) diff |= pi[i] ^ pi_test[i]; diff = crypto_int16_nonzero_mask(diff); crypto_declassify(&diff,sizeof diff); if (diff == 0) break; } }