#!/usr/bin/env python3 output = r'''/* WARNING: auto-generated (by autogen-speed); do not edit */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* -lcpucycles */ #include /* -lmceliece */ #include /* -lrandombytes */ static const char *targeto = 0; static const char *targetp = 0; static const char *targeti = 0; #include "limits.inc" static void *callocplus(long long len) { void *x = calloc(1,len + 128); if (!x) abort(); return x; } static void *aligned(void *x) { unsigned char *y = x; y += 63 & (-(unsigned long) x); return y; } #define TIMINGS 15 static long long t[TIMINGS+1]; static void t_print(const char *op,long long impl,long long len) { long long median = 0; printf("%s",op); if (impl >= 0) printf(" %lld",impl); else printf(" selected"); printf(" %lld",len); for (long long i = 0;i < TIMINGS;++i) t[i] = t[i+1]-t[i]; for (long long j = 0;j < TIMINGS;++j) { long long belowj = 0; long long abovej = 0; for (long long i = 0;i < TIMINGS;++i) if (t[i] < t[j]) ++belowj; for (long long i = 0;i < TIMINGS;++i) if (t[i] > t[j]) ++abovej; if (belowj*2 < TIMINGS && abovej*2 < TIMINGS) { median = t[j]; break; } } printf(" %lld ",median); for (long long i = 0;i < TIMINGS;++i) printf("%+lld",t[i]-median); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } #define MAXTEST_BYTES 65536 static void measure_cpucycles(void) { printf("cpucycles selected persecond %lld\n",cpucycles_persecond()); printf("cpucycles selected implementation %s\n",cpucycles_implementation()); for (long long i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) t[i] = cpucycles(); t_print("cpucycles",-1,0); } static void measure_randombytes(void) { void *mstorage = callocplus(MAXTEST_BYTES); unsigned char *m = aligned(mstorage); long long mlen = 0; while (mlen < MAXTEST_BYTES) { for (long long i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) { t[i] = cpucycles(); randombytes(m,mlen); } t_print("randombytes",-1,mlen); mlen += 1+mlen/2; } free(mstorage); } ''' # XXX: integrate todo into api todo = ( ('sort',( ('m','MAXTEST_BYTES'), ('mlen',None), ),( ('crypto_sort','m','mlen'), )), ('xof',( ('h','MAXTEST_BYTES'), ('hlen',None), ('m','MAXTEST_BYTES'), ('mlen',None), ),( ('crypto_xof','h','hlen','m','mlen'), )), ('kem',( ('p','mceliece_kem_PUBLICKEYBYTES'), ('s','mceliece_kem_SECRETKEYBYTES'), ('c','mceliece_kem_CIPHERTEXTBYTES'), ('k','mceliece_kem_BYTES'), ('T','mceliece_kem_CIPHERTEXTBYTES'), ),( ('crypto_kem_keypair','p','s'), ('crypto_kem_enc','c','k','p'), ('crypto_kem_dec','T','c','s'), )), ) operations = [] primitives = {} sizes = {} exports = {} prototypes = {} with open('api') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('crypto_'): x = line.split() x = x[0].split('/') assert len(x) == 2 o = x[0].split('_')[1] if o not in operations: operations += [o] p = x[1] if o not in primitives: primitives[o] = [] primitives[o] += [p] continue if line.startswith('#define '): x = line.split(' ') x = x[1].split('_') assert len(x) == 4 assert x[0] == 'crypto' o = x[1] p = x[2] if (o,p) not in sizes: sizes[o,p] = '' sizes[o,p] += line+'\n' continue if line.endswith(');'): fun,args = line[:-2].split('(') rettype,fun = fun.split() fun = fun.split('_') o = fun[1] assert fun[0] == 'crypto' if o not in exports: exports[o] = [] exports[o] += ['_'.join(fun[1:])] if o not in prototypes: prototypes[o] = [] prototypes[o] += [(rettype,fun,args)] for t in todo: o,vars,benches = t for p in primitives[o]: output += '\n' output += 'static void measure_%s_%s(void)\n' % (o,p) output += '{\n' output += ' if (targeto && strcmp(targeto,"%s")) return;\n' % o output += ' if (targetp && strcmp(targetp,"%s")) return;\n' % p varsize = {} for v,size in vars: if size is None: output += ' long long %s;\n' % v else: size = size.replace('mceliece_'+o,'mceliece_'+o+'_'+p) output += ' void *%sstorage = callocplus(%s);\n' % (v,size) output += ' unsigned char *%s = aligned(%sstorage);\n' % (v,v) varsize[v] = size output += '\n' output += ' for (long long impl = -1;impl < mceliece_numimpl_%s_%s();++impl) {\n' % (o,p) for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]: output += ' %s (*%s)(%s);\n' % (rettype,'_'.join(fun),args) output += ' if (targeti && strcmp(targeti,mceliece_dispatch_%s_%s_implementation(impl))) continue;\n' % (o,p) output += ' if (impl >= 0) {\n' for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]: f2 = ['mceliece','dispatch',o,p]+fun[2:] output += ' %s = %s(impl);\n' % ('_'.join(fun),'_'.join(f2)) output += r' printf("%s_%s %%lld implementation %%s compiler %%s\n",impl,mceliece_dispatch_%s_%s_implementation(impl),mceliece_dispatch_%s_%s_compiler(impl));' % (o,p,o,p,o,p) output += '\n' output += ' } else {\n' for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]: f2 = ['mceliece',o,p]+fun[2:] output += ' %s = %s;\n' % ('_'.join(fun),'_'.join(f2)) output += r' printf("%s_%s selected implementation %%s compiler %%s\n",mceliece_%s_%s_implementation(),mceliece_%s_%s_compiler());' % (o,p,o,p,o,p) output += '\n' output += ' }\n' for v,size in vars: if size is not None: size = size.replace('mceliece_'+o,'mceliece_'+o+'_'+p) output += ' randombytes(%s,%s);\n' % (v,size) alreadybenched = set() alreadybenched.add('assert') for b in benches: if b[0] in alreadybenched: output += ' %s(%s);\n' % (b[0],','.join(b[1:])) continue fun = b[0].split('_') shortfun = '_'.join([o,p]+fun[2:]) alreadybenched.add(b[0]) if 'mlen' in b[1:]: if b[0] == 'crypto_xof': output += ' hlen = 32;\n' output += ' mlen = 0;\n' if b[0] == 'crypto_sort': output += ' while (mceliece_%s_%s_BYTES*mlen <= MAXTEST_BYTES) {\n' % (o,p) output += ' randombytes(m,mceliece_%s_%s_BYTES*mlen);\n' % (o,p) else: output += ' while (mlen <= MAXTEST_BYTES) {\n' output += ' randombytes(m,mlen);\n' output += ' for (long long i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) {\n' output += ' t[i] = cpucycles();\n' output += ' %s(%s);\n' % (b[0],','.join(b[1:])) output += ' }\n' output += ' t_print("%s",impl,mlen);\n' % (shortfun) output += ' mlen += 1+mlen/2;\n' output += ' }\n' else: output += ' for (long long i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) {\n' output += ' t[i] = cpucycles();\n' output += ' %s(%s);\n' % (b[0],','.join(b[1:])) output += ' }\n' output += ' t_print("%s",impl,%s);\n' % (shortfun,varsize[b[1]]) if 'hlen' in b[1:]: if b[0] == 'crypto_xof': output += ' mlen = 32;\n' output += ' hlen = 1;\n' output += ' while (hlen <= MAXTEST_BYTES) {\n' output += ' randombytes(h,hlen);\n' output += ' for (long long i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) {\n' output += ' t[i] = cpucycles();\n' output += ' %s(%s);\n' % (b[0],','.join(b[1:])) output += ' }\n' output += ' t_print("%s",impl,-hlen);\n' % (shortfun) output += ' hlen += 1+hlen/2;\n' output += ' }\n' output += ' }\n' for v,size in reversed(vars): if size is not None: output += ' free(%sstorage);\n' % v output += '}\n' output += r''' #include "print_cpuid.inc" int main(int argc,char **argv) { printf("mceliece version %s\n",mceliece_version); printf("mceliece arch %s\n",mceliece_arch); print_cpuid(); if (*argv) ++argv; if (*argv) { targeto = *argv++; if (*argv) { targetp = *argv++; if (*argv) { targeti = *argv++; } } } measure_cpucycles(); measure_randombytes(); limits(); ''' for t in todo: o,vars,benches = t for p in primitives[o]: output += ' measure_%s_%s();\n' % (o,p) output += r''' return 0; } ''' with open('command/mceliece-speed.c','w') as f: f.write(output)